The article should be accepted to the editorial and publishing department of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in printed and electronic versions. The scientific journal publishes articles containing the results of scientific research corresponding to the following scientific specialties and their respective branches of science: 5.2. (08.00.00) Economy – 5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economy; 5.2.4. Finance; 5.2.5. International economy; 5.1. (12.00.00) Law – 5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences; 5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences; 5.1.3. Private legal (civilistic) sciences; 5.5. (23.00.00) – Political science 5.5.3. Public administration and sectoral policies; 5.5.4. International Relationships.
The authors of publications must provide reliable results of the scientific completed work, and they must be original, also not previously published in other publications. The data underlying the research, and should be clearly stated in writing. Also the article should contain a sufficient amount of information on the selected thematic issue. Before submitting a publication to the editors of the journal, its author should carefully check the general spelling, as well as the correct spelling of the relevant terms and grammar. Authors should not allow verbatim copying of their own works and their actuality, they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions.
All scientific articles submitted for publication are subject to review by competent specialists in the manner and on the basis of the rules established by the editors. The decision on the possibility of publishing the manuscript is made only after receiving the results of the review.
1.1. The volume of the article should be from 15 to 25 thousand characters (with spaces, including footnotes) or 10-15 pages. The publication of a smaller or larger volume of materials should be agreed with the editors of the journal;
1.2. The article should be written on a current topic, meet the criterion of novelty, contain a certain innovation in the approach to the topic/problem under study;
1.3. The article should reflect the results of a scientific study based on the analysis of theoretical structures, regulations, materials of law enforcement practice;
1.4. The article should have a universal decimal classification index (UDC), to which the publication belongs in its subject matter. Doing it the author must contact the information and bibliographic department of the library at the place of work (study) or independently determine it using the appropriate Internet resources;
1.5. The article must correspond to one of the directions (sections) of the journal.
1.6. Sending all files to the editors of the journal for publication must be submitted as one archived file with the name of the author of the publication;
1.7. Manuscripts of publications and other materials are not returned to the authors. Materials that do not comply with the rules are sent to the authors for technical revision. Publications sent to the authors for technical revision are subject to return to the editors of the journal within the recommended period. In case of repeated non-observance by the author of the publication of the rules of the editorial board of the journal, it reserves the right not to consider its publication;
1.8. Submitted articles are checked in the program “Antiplagiarism”. If the originality of the text of the article is not less than 75%, the article receives a positive result of the check according to the criterion of originality, as a result of which the editors decide on its admission to publication. In case of originality less than 75% of the text of the detection of plagiarism, the article is rejected without the right to further processing or revision;
1.9. For all of the reliability and accuracy of any data specified in the publication, the author should be carry responsibility;
1.10. Using printed material in the scientific journal “Public Administration”, reference to it is required;
1.11. The point of view of the editors does not always coincide with the point of view of the authors of publications. The authors are responsible for the content of publications and the reliability of the facts given in the article.
2.1. The text of the article is sent to the editorial office as a file saved in any version of Word with the extension .doc, .docx or .rtf. ;
2.2. The structure of the article: title of the article, full name of the author / authors (indicated in full), information about the author, position held (category of student) (indicated in full, including the full name of the structural unit), name of the organization in which the author works (studies) (indicates the full official name), academic degree and academic title; address of the place of work (study) – postal code, state (full official name is indicated), settlement, street, house; e-mail address (E-mail) of the author. If the publication is made by several authors, the name and information about the author are indicated for each of the authors separately;
2.3. Abstract of the publication (not less than 150 and not more than 250 words), keywords (in the amount of not less than 6 and not more than 10 words), (in Tajik, Russian and English languages), the main text of the publication (main content), bibliography of the publication. The bibliography should contain at least 10 scientific sources, including those cited by the author in the main part of the publication. References in the bibliography are listed in alphabetical order;
2.4. The text should be typed in the same font – Times New Roman, font size – 14 pt, line spacing – one and a half, paragraph indentation – 1.5 cm;
2.5. The words “Abstract”, “Keywords”, “Bibliography” are printed in bold type on a separate line, font size – 12 pt.
2.6. Position of footnotes: references in square brackets, as well as ([19, p. 42]);
2.7. List of used literature (not less than 10 and not more than 25 titles of scientific literature). When preparing a bibliography they should be guided by the bibliographic GOST 7.0.5-2008 and the bibliographic GOST 7.1-2003. The author is responsible for the correctness of the data given in the bibliographic list.
3.1 Electronic archives of all published journal “Public Administration” are saved on the Internet for at least 5 (five) calendar years from the date of their release;
3.2. The official website of the journal is at the link (where the issues and publications are posted):